Insect cameras in The Inventory

So... WildLabs just launched the Inventory and there is a SERIOUS lack of insect cameras on there. So, a call out to this community to get that fixed!

@Max_Sitt @hikinghack @DiKorsch 

Jake Burton
Fauna & Flora
I'm the Platform and Community Support Project Officer at WILDLABS! Speak to me if you have any inquiries about using the WILDLABS Platform or AI for Conservation: Office Hours.
Involvement level 2
Inventory Beta Tester
WILDLABS Event Speaker
Variety Hour Regular

Adding all the insect cameras to The Inventory would be amazing!! (bonus points for also adding photos or reviews).

I've made sure you four have unlocked Inventory contributing powers. The user guide should cover how to do everything, but let me know if anyone has any questions at all!