BYO Data Logger: Live Events - Tell us what you want to discuss!

Hi everyone, 

We're rethinking the live component of the Build Your Own Datalogger course and would love to hear your ideas. 

We initially concieve the office hours as a way to live troubleshoot and offer support throughout the course, but we're finding that the forums are doing a great job of getting these sort of questions answered as you work your way through the course at your own pace. 

So instead, we're thinking about moving these to be a space where we can deep dive and have a collaborative discussion on some topics we're seeing pop up in the BYO Datalogger community. We could cover topics like enclosures, batteries, SD cards, microphones and ideas for future courses that build on the skills we've built in this first 101 course.

Would this be of interest? What topic do you want to deep dive on? 
