discussion / Early Career  / 23 May 2023

Looking for AI volunteer positions


I just joined Wildlabs and I am so excited that there are tons of information and resources here with a big, supportive community.

I am a machine learning developer with 2 years of industry experience. I am willing to make volunteer contributions in the projects that can help the planet by using AI. I have  a good knowledge and experience of NLP and computer vision. 

Can anyone help me how I can find volunteer positions? It seems that most of the discussions in the groups are related to helping people who already are working on a project, but I don't know any project or research to help with.

Esther Githinji
@EstherGithinji  | She/Her
Fauna & Flora
I am the WILDLABS East Africa Conservation Technology Coordinator
Group Curator

Hello Donya :) 

Welcome to WILDLABS! Great to hear about your experience as a machine learning developer and interest in volunteering to help the planet using AI. 

I reckon the AI for Conservation Group would be a great place to start. You can join the group here and explore the resources and opportunities available within this community. 

Adventure Scientists would also be a great place to have a look at here for volunteer roles in conservation data management. 

I hope this information helps and good luck!