WildLogger Add-On Board Requests

Hi everyone. 

We've gotten a couple of requests for add-on boards for the Wildlogger for specific applications. Although we can't guarantee we can handle all requests, we're fine to discuss them and if it's feasible, we'll take on the request. And even if not, we're fine to discuss the feasibility of using a specific part or the application you're envisioning.

Anyways, feel free to post any ideas or requests. We're super interested to hear them. 




I'm an engineer and product designer working on wildlife conservation technology.
Group Curator
WILDLABS Event Speaker

Moving this conversation here:

Hi Akiba,
Oh, your answer is great!
My idea is to build a DL that allows,

Light registration, with time stamp, when it exceeds a certain threshold (To control the human presence in the cave) The card only has to record when this threshold is exceeded to save energy

Periodic record of temperature and humidity

Data recording on SD

Autonomy of at least 4 months

I have tried some sensors and I think I will use the TSL2591 because it has a very low detection threshold (0.18 uLux) and has an interrupt pin. I've already been testing some sample libraries, and I think it would be ideal
For temperature and humidity I am hesitating between using the DHT11 or the BME280
Perfect the external reference of the ADC if it serves to have more accurate readings
My idea is to use a power bank with 3 or 4 18650 Lipo batteries and built-in BCP, and to be able to disconnect the device when it detects that the power supply is less than 3.2V
Is the Sandisk card you mention a normal one, or of an industrial type like the one you presented in the corresponding module?
My best wishes,

I'm an engineer and product designer working on wildlife conservation technology.
Group Curator
WILDLABS Event Speaker

The TSL25911 chip looks really interesting. I didn't realize the lux metering chips have interrupts on them. I think your idea exposes two potential improvements for Wildlogger. The first, of course, is that the TSL25911 module should come into existence. There's a slight hiccup where it uses the I2C interface and an interrupt pin. We can work around this by having two connectors on it. One would be the 4-pin connector to the I2C interface on the Wildlogger board. The other is to have a 3-pin connector for the interrupt (PIR) interface. We would only use one pin on that though. It's a bit of a hack but doable. 

Regarding the BME280, we actually already have these modules that can be directly plugged into the WildLogger's I2C port. We actually use these quite often in other projects. 

The other thing is that it makes me realize we should also provide cables that can interface to add-on boards from other modular systems like the Adafruit Stemma and Seeed Grove. That way, it opens up the WildLogger to multiple ecosystems. 

We'll update this thread when these will be available, but likely after the course ends. In the meantime, you can also try to interface using the Adafruit breakout boards. 


Hi Akiba,
Yes, the TSL2591 has an interrupt pin and there are also a couple of example applications in the Adafruit and TSL2591MI libraries. I am doing tests making the connections with Dupont cables in the I2C connector of the Wildlogger, and for the interruption I will use the corresponding pin of the PIR connector
The connections do not concern me since, once the prototype has been tested and defined, my idea would be to make the maximum of welded connections to avoid failures
I'm still in the design phase, I already have the hardware quite defined, and now I have to enter with the most difficult part, the software, which for me is where I have the most difficulty
I have been gathering the elements to prepare the cake, and now is the time to enter the kitchen, I will not deny that I am excited and terrified at the same time
I'm already telling you ...
Regards !