discussion / Biologging  / 12 January 2021

Internship opportunities for PhD students

Hi everyone, 

I am a 2nd-year Ph.D. student from the Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) program at the University of Minnesota. Unlike lots of Ph.D. students in my department, I am one of the few students who would like to pursue a non-academic career path after graduate school years.

Sadly, there aren't many resources from my program regards to the non-academic career paths and I decided to post here to get some advice and guideline from you all. 

Most of my work is focusing on animal movement by using quantitative skill sets (both theoretical modeling and statistical modeling). I got my bachelor's degree in statistics and am hoping to find a possible internship in regard to data science (if that is somewhat related to biologging, animal movement research, that would be wonderful as well!). 

Could anyone give me some guidelines and advice on what I should do for pursuing non-academic career paths in the future while I am in the Ph.D. program? Any suggestions on where I should look for internship opportunities would be great as well!



Hi Dennis,

I actually work in the graduate career center at my university (my fellowship is doing that rather than teaching) and this is what we specialize in! I too am a PhD student moving out of academia after the PhD. Many of our office's online resources are applicable to any PhD student, not just those at the CUNY (City University of New York) Graduate Center. Check it out: cuny.is/careerplan. I'm also happy to chat or answer any questions. The Wildlabs 'Resources' page is a great place to look for internship opportunities! I would also highly recommend getting a Twitter if you don't already have one, and utilizing that. There are a bunch of hashtags (#PhDchat, #altac, etc.) that may be helpful to watch for, and then you can also follow org's so you can see when they post opportunities. 

Hope this helps! 

All the best,
