discussion / Software and Mobile Apps  / 27 October 2020

Ideas on options for offline apps for knowledge sharing

Hi Wildlabs community,

Our organization is currently looking into building an app geared towards sharing knowledge and lessons learned over the years for both internal and external use (e.g. sharing information with other stakeholders, partner organizations). Our vision is to create an offline platform where the team can access information on multiple topics of interest in various formats  (e.g. audio stories, visual, videos, documents) that are suitable for a diverse team. The goal is to use the app to support team members with onboarding, training, and knowledge-sharing.

Do any of you know of existing platforms that provide these services or have similar projects and could share your suggestions on options and experiences?

Thanks so much!




Arshad Noor
@arshadnoor  | He
Specialized in security and privacy; creator and supporter of open-source solutions.

The world's best known FOSS platform for doing exactly what you described is MediaWiki (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki). If you don't particularly care for the user interface, there "skins" available to change the look of the wiki without changing its functionality.


Hi Arshad and Phil, Thank you both for your suggestions. I will look into them as options. I appreciate your advice on this, many thanks.


Are you still looking for a solution here?