discussion / AI for Conservation  / 26 September 2017

[ARCHIVED] Fish identification computer vision competition

Our contest to develop tools that can count, measure, and identify fish from commercial fishing video runs through October 30. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might be interested in competing. Happy to talk more about the overall project structure (and connect you with our ML leads if you have detailed questions about the annonations, compression, or metrics). https://www.drivendata.org/competitions/48/identify-fish-challenge/



Hi Kate, 

It's really exciting to hear that you've now launched the challenge, congratulations on getting to this point! It's going to be interesting to see what solutions come out of the challenge - please do keep us updated as it progresses if you have time. The challenge is focused on the New England fishery - are you envisaging that this is an approach you can take to scale and eventually extend to other fisheries? 

To add a bit more information for anyone interested, there's actually $50,000 of prizes attached to this challenge:

Place Prize Amount 1st $20,000 2nd $15,000 3rd $10,000 4th $3,000

There is also a wildcard prize:

We're also looking for innovative approaches to solving this fishy problem, even if they don't score in our Top 4. If you want to be eligible for our $2,000 Judges' Choice Award, submit your code on the Submit Report page (available once you've signed up) by the competition end date for review. Our judges will be looking for inventive, novel solutions that can be incorporated into video review programs, so share your most fin-tastic ideas. 

Finally, if you're curious to find out more about what led to the challenge, Kate actually wrote a piece called 'Machine learning, meet the ocean' that we published in the resources area a few months ago. Do have a read!




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