discussion / Drones  / 11 April 2016

Collecting Your Opinions about Drones

We are entering the final week or so of our 2nd annual opinion polling effort centered around better understanding the public's general experience with and opinons about UAVs (aka drones).  We are nearing our target of 1,000 respondents, and so are making our final pushes to invite folks to partiicpate.

Our survey is anonymous, takes about 10 minutes to complete, and requires no particular experience with or knoweldge about drones.  This instrument is our longitudinal instrument to understand the public's impressions and use of this emergeing technology and will be useful to those of us interesting in fostering the responsible, effective use of this technology on into the future.  We will be sharing the results in a few weeks, after we have had time to QA/QC the data (look for results to be posted around mid to late May).

I would very much appreciate it if you would consider taking our survey and also consider sharing it with your colleagues and networks.

2016 UAV Poll:


The most recent media piece on our in-progress poll is here.

Thanks for considering my invite!



Hi Sean, 

Thanks for sharing your survey - is there a specific date you'll be closing the survey? 

It'd be great if you could share the results of the survey here, as I (for one) will be quite interested to see what comes back. 

