Event /  26 Apr 2023

Catch up with The Variety Hour: April 2023

Catch up on our April Variety Hour show to learn more about new spin off BiodAIverse, research from GSMA and REDAA into the role digital solutions can play in improving natural resource management, focusing particularly on the power dynamics of using such technologies among local communities, work coming out of UCSB about using tags and traps to provide a new view of our impact on wildlife, and how the Sentinel AI project is looking to make wildlife monitoring as easy as possible.

Online Event
26 Apr 2023 - this event is in the past.
4:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm Europe/London
 Recording Available

You’re invited to the WILDLABS Variety Hour, our monthly community event connecting you to the exciting projects, research, and ideas that are happening in conservation tech right now. Brought to you with the support of our partner Amazon Web Services (AWS), we're excited to bring you a whole new season right through 2023. 

You never know what you’ll find and who you’ll meet at our Variety Hour, and that’s part of the fun! You might catch speed talks from community members working around the world, learn from a leading conservation tech expert, discover a new tool, test your wildlife trivia skills, find a great opportunity - maybe you’ll even do all of the above.

The WILDLABS Variety Hour isn’t a show, or a lecture, or a workshop. It's an engaging, fun, and interactive gathering, giving you a welcoming space to share your own projects and resources, ask and answer questions, have insightful conversations, meet collaborators, make friends, and get to know the conservation tech community in a new way. 

Great ideas and discussions are sparked when people who share a passion for conservation tech unite. When you come along to the Variety Hour, you’re joining a space full of people who care about conservation tech just like you; when you leave the Variety Hour, we hope you’ll take away fresh inspiration and the knowledge that you belong to a global community who are making an impact in our field all around the world.

The Variety Hour: April

This month, Jorge Fernández Berni joins us to talk about his team's new spin off BiodAIverse, Leila Guici shares key takeaways from GSMA and REDAA research into the role digital solutions can play in improving natural resource management, focusing particularly on the power dynamics of using such technologies among local communities. We'll hear from two project Ruth Oliver is leading -  one using GPS data to look at wildlife behavior during the pandemic and the other looking at how camera trapping data can close biodiversity data gaps. And finally, Henrik Cox and the Sentinel AI team will walk us through their efforts to build a system to make wildlife monitoring as easy as possible. Sound interesting? Catch up with the recording now!

Past Recordings

Can't wait for this Variety Hour? Why not check out our past events! You can find all of the on our YouTube Channel. 

  • Variety Hour March | Rachel Lim joins us to talk about the the Silverstand Biodiversity Accelerator+, Sako Arts shares the work of FruitPunch AI, which is helping impact organisations and conservation projects crowdsource AI solutions. Carly Batist shares an update about Arbimon, a tool for ecoacoustic data. Tom August, who leads our popular Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects group, shares the collaborative work underway to develop better tools for insect monitoring. 
  • Variety Hour February | Learn about Google Earth Engine vs Microsoft's Planetary Computer with Gilberto Câmara, ChatGPT for Conservation with Josh Seltzer, an introduction to Moveapps with Andrea Kölzsch, and learn about Abhijit Kumar Nageshkumar's project aiming to build a radio telemetry system to track turtles in India. 
  • Variety Hour November | Featuring Club Arribada, an after-school conservation tech training programme in Principe, discover how you can use our new Conservation Tech Training and Education Group, and hear about building tech capacity among female conservationists in Kenya. 
  • Variety Hour October | Featuring talks from David Rolnick introducing the Climate Change AI Community, Melanie Smith walking through the Bird Migration Explorer Platform, Christian Rossi shares the upcoming Earth Observation 101 Virtual Series, and Adrian Dellecker asks 'Is there a future for conservation NFTs?'
  • Variety Hour September | Featuring Adrià López-Baucells talking about technologies to monitor bats in Kenya. , Felipe Vallejo shares his work monitoring hawksbill turtles in Equador, Laura Kloepper shares how she's building custom electronics for a hawk to carry through bat communities, and David Johnston talks about his incredible work with drones & whale tags in Antarctica.
  • Variety Hour August | Learn about challenges tracking sharks & rays from Sammy Andrzejaczek, hear an update from the AudioXD workshop from Justin Kitzes, have an introduction to Firetail data tool from Tobias Petri, & learn about The Nature Conservancy's mesh camera network project from Nathaniel Rindlaub. 

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