
Tellus GPS collars
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The Tellus line of GPS collars are custom GPS collars that can incorporate a variety of sensors and are suitable for a range of environments, species, applications and budgets.
  • Holly Cormack edited specifications - (10 October 2023 9:48am)

    Holly Cormack contributed to Product - "Tellus GPS collars"


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Species Group 

  • Mammals


Followit GPS collars are designed to optimize research possibilities while ensuring animal welfare. With a team of specialists developing and manufacturing telemetry equipment since 1974, all collars are custom designed to meetcustomer specifications. Our innovative collar design minimizes weight without compromising performance, battery life or data collection.
Collar and data management is achieved through Followit GEO™, a web based application, allowing for two-way communication with Iridium and GSM/GPRS collars. This program allows the user to view location data, adjust position and VHF schedules, create virtual fencing, trigger the remote drop-off, and monitor battery performance. Followit GEO™ is accessible from all web enabled devices including personal computers, tablets or smart-phones.

Product Type 

Technology Type 


Cost range

  •  Price available on request

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See Data Sheet for product specifications 


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