
SEE Turtles
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SEE Turtles is an organization committed to sea turtle conservation, utilizing innovative technology to gather data, track populations, and monitor nesting sites, while promoting responsible tourism.
  • Diep edited main address - (20 June 2023 4:36am)

    Diep contributed to Organisation - "SEE Turtles"


SEE Turtles is an organization dedicated to sea turtle conservation and leveraging technology for positive impact. Through their innovative approach, they utilize conservation technology to gather data, track sea turtle populations, and monitor nesting sites. By employing cutting-edge tools and partnerships, SEE Turtles promotes responsible tourism, supports local communities, and raises awareness about the importance of protecting these endangered creatures. Their use of conservation technology contributes to the preservation of sea turtles and their habitats, fostering sustainable practices for a brighter future.

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

5605 Southeast Rural Street
Portland, OR 97206
United States

External Resources


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SEE Turtles

Brad has worked in sea turtle conservation & ecotourism for 20+ years. He is the lead writer of Sea Turtle Research and Conservation and co-author of the Worldwide Travel Guide to Sea Turtles. He has won the President's Award from the International Sea Turtle Society.

  • 1 Resources
  • 4 Discussions
  • 6 Groups


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