
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Non-profit experts in camera traps. We ship thousands of cameras annually across UK, Europe and the RoW. With a highly experienced team and 10 years in business, we offer discounts and support to NGOs and our aim is to ensure the kit does the job you need.
  • James McConnell edited main address - (2 May 2024 11:35am)

    James McConnell contributed to Organisation - "NatureSpy"


We use tech (especially camera traps!) in wildlife projects and also sell this kit to you with all profits going to back into our research and projects. 

We also break down the barriers so often in the way of conservation and work with organisations worldwide to provide tech survey services and kit loans so we can all get on with protecting nature.

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

Unit 82A
James Carter Road
IP28 7DE
United Kingdom

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