
FruitPunch AI
Short summary for card views and tables:  
The global AI for Good Community educating and applying AI for Good by crowd-sourcing AI engineers and learners on AI for Good and Conservation Challenges.
  • Sako Arts edited overview - (7 May 2024 2:05pm)

    Sako Arts contributed to Organisation - "FruitPunch AI"


As the global AI for Good community, FruitPunch AI collaborates with partners worldwide with SDG-related problems that can be solved with AI. A lot of these cases are focused on conservation, from identifying individuals of keystone species to detecting poachers on drone images or audio grids. They onboard engineers from companies that need to learn about the practical use of AI and combine these with experts from their community into a 30 to 50 people force for Good. In a 10-week AI for Good Challenge, they will both tackle the problem with AI and educate participants to become certified AI for Good engineers! 

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

  •  Amphibians
  •  Birds
  •  Fish
  •  Invertebrates
  •  Mammals
  •  Plants
  •  Reptiles

Main Address


Conservation Challenges


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