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Environmental DNA (eDNA) technology involves extracting and analysing genetic material from the environment, such as water or soil samples. By detecting traces of DNA shed by organisms, this approach enables non-invasive species identification and monitoring.

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    VigiDNA S analyses

    VigiDNA S technologies, based on the “eDNA Barcoding” approach, are mainly used for the monitoring of rare or secretive species in aquatic or terrestrial environments. Those analyses can be performed from water, soil or faecal samples.

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    VigiDNA M analyses

    The VigiDNA M technologies, based on the “eDNA metabarcoding” approach, are mainly used for the monitoring of key taxonomic groups in aquatic ecosystems, for mamal species monitoring from faeces, for the diet analysis of animal species from faeces and for flowering plants composition assessment from honey.

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    eDNA Filter Packs

    Alternate sampling methods require removal of the filter in the field for preservation. Any handling method will increase the chance of contamination. With the self-preserving filter housing, the filter is never handled until safely back in the laboratory giving you increased confidence in your research.

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    R package for the design and analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) studies.


  • eBioAtlas seeks to create an open source global atlas of life in the world’s river basins and wetlands using cutting-edge eDNA technology, to inform global policy and support conservation efforts.


  • Smith-Root Inc

    Since 1964, Smith-Root has proudly partnered with fisheries scientists to develop solutions for the fisheries conservation community.