
Short summary for card views and tables:  
GPS tracking systems for animals including terrestrial, avian and marine tags.
  • Holly Cormack edited overview - (4 October 2023 2:52pm)

    Holly Cormack contributed to Organisation - "TechnoSmArt"


TechnoSmArt was launched years ago by field biologists and engineers with many years of experience with tracking wildlife in a variety of habitats. TechnoSmArt is specialised in the development and production of miniature GPS devices, accelerometers, magnetometers, TDRs and more, which have been deployed for tracking birds, mammals and wildlife in general. Their products are especially designed to meet the needs of wildlife biologists, who require easily configurable instruments, with extremely low power consumption and high performances.

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Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

Via di Novella 1 – 00199 Rome, ITALY

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I am an ornithologist, have been working with GPS tracking of both seabirds and terrestrial birds. I have been involved also in conservation projects in Italy, Chile and Ecuador

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