article / 15 June 2023

CyberTracker: Streamlining Data Capture

In this Conservation Tech Showcase case study from CyberTracker, you’ll learn how this software application is revolutionizing the data collection processes and enhancing efficiency in the field.  

This case study in our Conservation Tech Showcase highlights CyberTracker, an innovative software application that streamlines field data capture and reporting across various industries.

About CyberTracker

CyberTracker is a software application designed to facilitate field data capture and reporting. It is widely used in various fields such as conservation and biodiversity monitoring, forestry, disaster relief, healthcare, and more. The software allows users to create their own simple yet powerful forms, capture data in the field, and return to analyze and share their findings.

Located in Cape Town, South Africa, CyberTracker's primary mission is to utilize technology for wildlife and biodiversity monitoring and get this tool into the hands of those who can use it for impact.

Features and Advantages of CyberTracker

CyberTracker’s unique two-part software application includes a backend PC application for data management, reporting, and form building, and a frontend mobile application that captures data in the field, offering an all-in-one solution for users. One of its standout features is that the visual forms can be used easily by oralate field rangers, and its ease of use makes it effective for a diverse range of users who may not be well-versed in technology. The captured data can be analyzed using the software's built-in Geographic Information System (GIS) and turned into reports.

Another advantage of CyberTracker is that it is self-contained and does not require special licenses or servers, making it ideal for use in harsh and remote environments globally. Additionally, the software has proven to be very durable, with projects continuously collecting data for up to 20 years across all the major mobile platforms, including Palm Pilot, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, Android devices, and iPhones.

Over time, CyberTracker has formed partnerships with other conservation organizations, such as SMART, EarthRanger, and Trillion Trees, to support their mobile data capture needs. In such cases, the CyberTracker mobile application is used with the partnering organization's backend. This has brought great value to the ecosystem as users can depend on a single trusted tool. Any features and improvements made for one organization are immediately available to all others without cost.

Benefits of CyberTracker in Conservation

One of CyberTracker’s significant contributions to conservation is allowing various non-technical groups and individuals to modernize their operations by shifting from paper-based data capture to digital systems. This transition has led to substantial improvements in efficiency and reductions in costs and errors, and as a result, users can now spend more time focusing on their core goal, the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity.

Furthermore, the integration of indigenous oralate rangers into the conservation process has arguably had a more substantial impact by enabling them to participate in data capture and sharing their knowledge and expertise. This inclusion provides significant value, as these rangers often possess unique skills and knowledge related to their local environment. By recognizing and utilizing their naturalist skills, they also become more valued members of their communities. Therefore, the integration of indigenous oralate rangers into the conservation process not only enhances the quality of data capture but also promotes social inclusion and community development.

Reliability and Relevance: The Key to CyberTracker's Success

CyberTracker's success is attributed to its commitment to working closely with its community and partners to ensure that the software remains useful and relevant. The organization primarily measured the effectiveness of its software by assessing whether it worked smoothly on currently available devices and ensuring that technical support was readily available to users.

Furthermore, data loss prevention was a critical metric for data capture software. Fortunately, CyberTracker has no known data loss scenarios, which demonstrates its reliability in data management. This achievement reinforces CyberTracker's position as a trusted and dependable tool for field data capture and analysis.

Partnering for Scalability: CyberTracker's Approach to Global Impact

To scale CyberTracker worldwide, the organization has expanded its approach to become a partner to organizations with data capture needs. Historically, CyberTracker was an all-in-one product as there were no comparable tools available. However, as the tool becomes more capable and encompasses a wider range of scenarios, CyberTracker aims to become an invaluable asset to broader wildlife conservation efforts worldwide. By partnering with organizations, CyberTracker can reach a wider audience and tailor its services to meet the specific needs of people and communities working within different regions and contexts. This approach allows for greater scalability while ensuring that the software remains relevant and useful to critical conservation efforts.

How can I engage with CyberTracker?

As a WILDLABS member, you have the opportunity to contribute to the global conservation effort by utilizing the powerful field data capture and reporting capabilities of CyberTracker. With its user-friendly design, all-in-one solution, and proven durability in the field, CyberTracker is the perfect tool to consider for your biodiversity monitoring projects.

By partnering with CyberTracker, you can be confident that you are using a reliable and trusted tool to support your work in the field. Join the CyberTracker community today to learn more about how you can effectively put this tool to use.

*All photos courtesy of SMART Partnership

Explore the 2023 Conservation Tech Showcase

Our new Conservation Tech Showcase is a series exploring successes and bold ideas in the world of conservation technology, shared through case studies about exciting projects from outstanding organizations around the world.

Learn more about the series and its case studies here on WILDLABS.

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