
e-obs GmbH
Short summary for card views and tables:  
e-obs is a cutting-edge wildlife GPS telemetry company. We specialize in the design, development and production of high-end wildlife telemetry products that enable next-level animal movement and behavioral research.
  • Marc Büntjen edited organisation logo - (6 November 2023 8:04pm)

    Marc Büntjen contributed to Organisation - "e-obs GmbH"


e-obs are an innovative company specialized in engineering and the production of high-end GPS telemetry products to study animal movement and behaviour.

Their special focus is on lightweight GPS-tags with several sensors combining high data rates, intelligent recording and remote data download capabilities.

Their products enable researchers to analyse small scale movement (e.g. cat following a path) and to identify distinct behaviors (e.g. bird in active flight vs. gliding vs. resting on ground).

e-obs offers tags and collars in numerous shapes and sizes for a variety of study approaches.


All text sourced and modified from -

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

Oberhachinger Str. 38
82031 Gruenwald



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