
Fauna & Flora
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Fauna & Flora is an international wildlife conservation charity working in over 40 countries to protect biodiversity, restore habitats, prevent species extinction, and address environmental challenges through collaboration and sustainable initiatives.
  • Jake Burton edited header image - (18 July 2023 12:22pm)

    Jake Burton contributed to Organisation - "Fauna & Flora"


Fauna & Flora is an international wildlife conservation charity with over 120 years of experience. They protect biodiversity, restore habitats, and prevent species extinction in over 40 countries. Their work addresses diverse environmental challenges such as habitat destruction, illegal wildlife trade, climate change, and plastic pollution. By collaborating with partners and local communities, they develop sustainable livelihoods and empower stakeholders. Fauna & Flora's achievements include establishing national parks, rescuing endangered animals, and advocating for environmental policies. 

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

Main Address

The David Attenborough Building
Pembroke Street
United Kingdom

External Resources


WILDLABS members

Fauna & Flora

Managing a collaborative partnership to build conservation capacity - especially early-career

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  • 2 Discussions
  • 1 Groups
Fauna & Flora

Working in marine conservation in Africa (with a quite strong focus on East Africa so far) with Fauna & Flora International.

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  • 0 Discussions
  • 4 Groups




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