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Our OpenCollar ElephantEdge Tracker
  • Tim van Dam edited documentation - (30 November 2023 12:42pm)

    Tim van Dam contributed to Product - "ElephantEdge"


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  • Mammals


The OpenCollar Tracking System consist of different modules that can be combined into several different configurations, depending on the use case. The ElephantEdge Tracker is an extra-large sized GPS tracker with LoRaWAN connectivity for animal tracking applications. The device features non-rechargeable battery that can achieve years of battery life.

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– Configuration over Bluetooth with smartphone app
– GPS position tracking
– Remote configurable settings
– LoRaWAN connectivity with integrated antenna
– Integrated temperature sensor for device monitoring
– Integrated device battery monitoring
– Integrated high accuracy accelerometer with motion event detection
– Real-time monitoring with daily status updates
– Long-life device with over 7 years of battery life under normal conditions
– Fully ruggedized device suitable to withstand harsh outdoor conditions
– Simple installation
– Compatible with LoRaWAN networks worldwide

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