
Short summary for card views and tables:  
EcoAssist is an application designed to streamline the work of ecologists dealing with camera trap images. It’s an AI platform that allows you to analyse images without an internet connection and use machine learning models for automatic species detection.
  • Peter van Lunteren edited prerequisites - (23 November 2023 7:35am)

    Peter van Lunteren contributed to Product - "EcoAssist"


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Species Group 


EcoAssist is an application designed to streamline the work of ecologists dealing with camera trap images. It’s an AI platform that allows you to analyse images on your local computer and use machine learning models for automatic detection, offering ecologists a way to save time and focus on conservation efforts.

It has the open-source MegaDetector model incorporated, which can filter out images containing animals, people, and vehicles. However, the MegaDetector model does not identify animals to the species level, it just finds them. EcoAssist therefore supports the deployment of custom project specific species recognition models to be used in conjunction with MegaDetector.

Product Type 

Technology Type 


Cost range

  •  Free

Conservation Challenges






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