
California Institute of Technology
Short summary for card views and tables:  
California Institute of Technology, with more than 50 research centers and institutes, is a world renowned science and engineering institute that develops innovative technology solutions to societal and scientific challenges.
  • Jake Burton edited organisation type - (20 October 2023 5:05pm)

    Jake Burton contributed to Organisation - "California Institute of Technology"


Caltech is an independent, world-renowned science and engineering institute that has dedicated time and resources to address the most fundamental scientific questions and societal challenges. The institution has research facilities that develop innovative tech tools and carry out extensive research in order to address the mentioned challenges. The Institution offers training in science and engineering to prepare students to become world leaders in science, engineering, academia, industry, and public service.

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

Main Address

1200 E California Blvd
Los Angeles County
Pasadena, CA 91125 0001
United States

External Resources



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