
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Freaklabs works in partnership with researchers, research institutes, landcare managers, global organisations, NGOs and governments to develop hardware and systems for wildlife and environmental monitoring, that are affordable, and easily accessed and maintained.
  • Akiba edited main address - (8 December 2023 6:21am)

    Akiba contributed to Organisation - "Freaklabs"


Freaklabs develops hardware devices and systems for wildlife research, environmental conservation and basic infrastructure in rural and remote areas, that is customisable, affordable, easily available and maintained by the users. The organization is able to develop the devices and systems through their partnership with individual researchers, research institutes, landcare managers, global organisations, NGOs and governments. Some of the freaklabs projects include: Remote Soil Monitoring For Conservation, Australia, GPS And Septage Level Monitoring On Trucks, Egypt and Water Monitoring & Workshops, Dharamshala, India

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I'm an engineer and product designer working on wildlife conservation technology.

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Develops open source technology for wildlife and conservation researchers

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