
Perk Group Africa (PGA)
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Perk Group Africa is a consulting firm that offers business consulting services such as HR, project management, business development, and trainings in GIS Mapping, Climate Change and Data Management to clients across the continent and beyond.
  • Jake Burton edited main address - (25 April 2024 4:01pm)

    Jake Burton contributed to Organisation - "Perk Group Africa (PGA)"


Perk Group Africa is a consulting firm that offers business consulting services such as HR, project management, business development, and trainings in GIS Mapping, Climate Change and Data Management to clients across the continent and beyond.  

Their team of experienced consultants is dedicated to delivering high-quality services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Their goal is to support the growth and success of businesses in Africa by helping them navigate the challenges and opportunities of doing business in the region.

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

Kikuyu Town

External Resources



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