
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Arbimon is free, no-code ecoacoustic platform that provides an efficient way to upload, store, and analyze mass amounts of acoustic data. Arbimon empowers users with innovative AI-powered ecoacoustic analysis tools and data-driven insights to effectively monitor biodiversity.
  • Carly Batist edited documentation - (13 May 2024 7:17pm)

    Carly Batist contributed to Product - "Arbimon"


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Species Group 

  • Amphibians
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Invertebrates
  • Mammals
  • Reptiles


Arbimon is free, no-code ecoacoustic platform that provides an efficient way to upload, store, and analyze mass amounts of acoustic data. Our mission is to empower scientists and conservationists with innovative AI-powered ecoacoustic analysis tools and data-driven insights to better understand and protect the world's biodiversity.

Arbimon is the world's largest archive of soundscapes, with >170 million minutes of recordings from 100+ countries. Our community of 5000 users have detected 4300 species in these recordings. Arbimon users are capitalizing on the platform to manage protected areas, assess impacts of anthropogenic activity, monitor endangered species, teach students, and so much more!
Learn more here:!

Product Type 

Technology Type 






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