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I dont have anything written up but I can tell what parts we used and how we tested.Its pretty straightforward, we used this M10 Enclosure Vent from Blue Robotics: Along with...
Build Your Own Data Logger Community, Acoustics, Camera Traps, Climate Change, East Africa Community, Marine Conservation, Open Source Solutions, Protected Area Management Tools 2 months 4 weeks ago
Hi Nick, Any update from your project? did you find good price value Camera Traps?We in Indonesia don't have local suppliers for any research grade Camera Traps like Bushnell...
  • +5
Camera Traps 2 months 4 weeks ago
Very nice video in the link you posted btw:Here is another less artistic one:
Camera Traps, AI for Conservation 2 months 4 weeks ago
Hi from Mozambique,  I am new to this group.  Looking to connect on ethics protocols - are there any out there?  Are there...
Ethics of Conservation Tech 3 months ago
I'm also here for this. This is my first comment... I've been lurking for a while.I have 20 years of professional knowledge in design, with the bulk of that being software design...
AI for Conservation, Camera Traps, Data management and processing tools, Software and Mobile Apps 3 months ago
Thank you for this! Will take a look. 
Climate Change, Conservation Tech Training and Education, East Africa Community, Remote Sensing & GIS 3 months ago
Perfect. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Data management and processing tools 3 months ago
Trying to make sense of this brick product, the link provided is a bit vague. The front page talks about SIP trunking, so that implies it's all about telephone connectivity. And...
Software and Mobile Apps 3 months ago
Wow! So impressive! Being old enough to precede the existence of personal computers these are the things of my dreams back then :)
  • +35
Biologging 3 months ago
Yep, here:Currently it only installs on older Jetsons as in the coming weeks I’ll finish the install code for current jetsons.Technically speaking, if you were an IT specialist...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects, Camera Traps 3 months ago
Great work! I very much look forward to trying out the MothBeam light. That's going to be a huge help in making moth monitoring more accessible.And well done digging into the...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 3 months ago
IntroductionNairobi County, Kenya’s capital, has an initiative that reshapes the lives of animals—the Kenya Society for...
Women in Conservation Tech Programme (WiCT) 3 months 1 week ago