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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
Hi Kevin and Kim, Apologies for the delayed response; however, we were unable to provide specific information until today. We aim to reach out to each applicant in the...
  • +38
Community Base 1 month 3 weeks ago
Hi Andrew! Great to hear your friend, Scott working in Indonesia! I bet he is working on east region with lot of cool monitor lizards!I use Mavic 2 as well for my crocodile...
Camera Traps 1 month 3 weeks ago
Were you ever able to solve the problem? Interestingly enough, I begin a seal bio-logging study next year! Also, you are correct. The errors were occurring during short bout...
Data management and processing tools 1 month 3 weeks ago
Unless you are planning on making a mesh network between nodes then the total distance spanning the location of all the nodes is important to know, not just the intra node...
Sensors, Protected Area Management Tools 1 month 3 weeks ago
Thanks @alexrood for creating this visual!  
Community Base 1 month 3 weeks ago
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our conversation, and I truly appreciate your support in spreading the word about my survey...
Acoustics, AI for Conservation 1 month 3 weeks ago
I heard it through industry chatter but can't find a news release on it yet.
  • +16
Acoustics 1 month 3 weeks ago
Ah yes. I didn’t notice that. Indeed it’s “near infrared”, 850nm lighting.
Camera Traps, Marine Conservation 1 month 3 weeks ago
I've used AA rechargeable almost exclusively for many years now. I try to get rechargeables sourced from Japan (Panasonic Eneloop and Fujitsu), but have also used Eveready  ...
  • +18
Camera Traps 2 months ago
Hi everyone,I posted this mystery recording to Twitter already, but perhaps this forum will have more ideas... Over the years, my lab...
Acoustics 2 months ago
Thanks for the link, Amanda. The price of $900 is a bit too steep for me, but at least I now know a bit better what you meant with a power analyser.I can't remember either what I...
Camera Traps 2 months ago
Super, I'll be in touch soon! 
Women in Conservation Tech Programme (WiCT) 2 months ago