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If you are considering an external microphone and a towed system, then you would also be in a position to consider a raspberry pi with an external microphone with sbts-aru....
Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Marine Conservation, Sustainable Fishing Challenges 4 months ago
Hi Eva, Me and my colleagues run a small NGO based on Yogyakarta in Indonesia, although our projects are spread around the country. One of our active project is working with...
Community Base, Biologging, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Marine Conservation, Remote Sensing & GIS 4 months ago
Hi Titus,I've used latching solenoids as a release in a fresh water application. The product linked to is the one I have used, but has been discontinued (it's been quite a while...
Camera Traps 4 months ago
When I designed the recorder. I chose it to use jackd2 instead of pulse audio or direct alsa access because unless I was mistaken it could support multiple consumers of the sound...
  • +11
Acoustics 4 months ago
It's been awesome and a honor to work on this platform! Keep up the good work!
Community Base 4 months ago
I am not an acoustics person but train and deploy canines in the field. Are you looking for something that records  sniff rate and patterns?  For GPS I just use a Garmin...
Acoustics, Biologging, Remote Sensing & GIS 4 months 1 week ago
Thank you Stefan! Will follow up with your email shortly.
Acoustics, Emerging Tech, Ethics of Conservation Tech 4 months 1 week ago
Hi,This is a really late answer but I was new to wildlabs then. I have a security appliance that uses state of the AI models and user defined polygon areas of interest that...
Human-Wildlife Conflict, Camera Traps, Sensors 4 months 1 week ago
Hi there!, You should definitely check out VIAME, which includes a video annotation tool in addition to deep learning neural network training and deployment. It has a user...
  • +3
Camera Traps 4 months 1 week ago
In what ways can drones contribute to linking individuals, communities, and small-scale producers in rural areas, facilitating the support...
Drones, Remote Sensing & GIS 4 months 1 week ago
Hi Zach,Our organization (SEE Turtles) has a campaign working on the illegal tortoiseshell trade around the world called Too Rare To Wear. We are going to be updating our Global...
Community Base, Conservation Dogs, Early Career, East Africa Community, Ending Wildlife Trafficking Online, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Wildlife Crime 4 months 1 week ago
@dmorris joined Variety Hour to give us 'a bunch of lightning talks inside a lightning talk'. Check out the recording to get a whirlwind...
AI for Conservation, Drones, Remote Sensing & GIS 4 months 1 week ago