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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
I'm honored to be part of this WILDLABS group and specifically this Camera Trap forum. I hope that what I've learned weekly over...
Camera Traps 6 years ago
Consultancy opportunity with WWF-UK Collation and cleaning of global camera-trapping data Interested in getting hands-on experience...
Camera Traps 6 years ago
Due to the magnitude and complexity of the Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT), conservationists are often only able to fight crises on the ground...
Wildlife Crime 6 years ago
Hi Tony, I'm leading a cross disciplinary group of researchers at Deakin University in Australia to build new technology for monitoring wildlife and engage citizen scientists...
Sensors 6 years ago
The current project is in open plains. From a handler perspective the distance will be from 20m -100m. I will be working at night so it will be looking for me target, the Plains...
Sensors 6 years ago
@hikinghack used twitter to flag a thread on hackteria that members of this group might be interested in about DIY time-lapse soil...
Sensors 6 years ago
Hi Emily,  Rachel has some practical suggestions about rigging your current centrifuge up to fit the small tubes. What do you think - vIable?  1) If you're...
eDNA & Genomics 6 years ago
Hi all - WWF's upcoming Fuller Seminar will focus on biodiversity monitoring using acoustics. Instructions for remote participation are...
Acoustics 6 years ago
In case you missed it, last year the British Ecological Society published A Guide to Reproducible Code in Ecology and Evolution...
AI for Conservation 6 years ago
Illegal logging erodes biodiversity, exacerbates climate change, and bankrolls political corruption. Law enforcement officers,...
Citizen Science 6 years ago
An upcoming event might be of interest to members of this group:  Wednesday, March 21, 2018 8:00 - 9:30 am EDT...
Wildlife Crime 6 years 1 month ago
I second Nilanga's words -- inspiring and valuable experience and innovative results from this event. It was an amazing opportunity to meet and network with a group of...
Human-Wildlife Conflict 6 years 1 month ago