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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
We use the DJI M30T for this kind of work.For finding heat signals of animals under foliage check out this bit of Austrian UAV developement:You can use their open software on the...
  • +17
Camera Traps, Drones 5 minutes 48 seconds ago
Hello Everyone,I have a question on how to use landcover data. I've data collected for five years and I want to know at what landcover type...
Remote Sensing & GIS 1 hour 19 minutes ago
Hello Wildlabbers,I'm Loveness Lamuel Mutungi, a female Tanzanian and a 2023 graduate from Sokoine University of Agriculture with a...
Community Base 1 hour 38 minutes ago
Hello Ms Esther👋Thank you for taking your time to reply to me with such helpful response.I'm interested in conservation technology such as camera traps, GIS and Remote sensing,...
Early Career, East Africa Community 1 hour 54 minutes ago
In an earlier post in this discussion, I wondered how the funders are responding. Today, I stumbled on the following Request for Expressions of Interest for short term consultancy...
  • +36
AI for Conservation, Emerging Tech 16 hours 20 minutes ago
I am working on that too haha. So in my design you load the glue gun with two part Loctite, it has two separate metal rings. Glue and hardener in each ring. Then each ring has a...
  • +23
Biologging 23 hours 45 minutes ago
Thanks, and that's a match! All these pictures are from a lab experiment and formated with AmphIdent. We took weekly belly pictures of several larvae. The aim of this google...
Camera Traps, Data management and processing tools, Software and Mobile Apps 1 day 3 hours ago
Hey Sol, No problem at all. Depending on your configuration, the Audiomoth software would have to work on a PCB with an ESP32 chip which is the unit on the audiomoth/...
Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Data management and processing tools, Emerging Tech, Sustainable Fishing Challenges 1 day 19 hours ago
Hi, this is pretty interesting to me. I plan to fly a drone over wild areas and look for invasive species incursions. So feral hogs are especially bad, but in the Everglades there...
AI for Conservation, Camera Traps, Open Source Solutions, Software and Mobile Apps 1 day 21 hours ago
That was one of the things I was wondering about, the height that it can resolve animals at. At some resolution it must be able to tell different animals apart.  My...
AI for Conservation 1 day 21 hours ago
Hi Soumya ,  Interested to know if you are pursuing distance education in ML while at your current job. I would love to hear more about your journey on course specifics...
  • +12
Community Base, Early Career 2 days 20 hours ago
Totally agree.Inititally sceptical until I saw Helena and Graeme were involved.MJ
Acoustics, Citizen Science, Community Base, Human-Wildlife Conflict 3 days 11 hours ago