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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
Totally agree.Inititally sceptical until I saw Helena and Graeme were involved.MJ
Acoustics, Citizen Science, Community Base, Human-Wildlife Conflict 47 minutes 35 seconds ago
Thank you so much Amanda!Very cool! 
  • +18
Biologging 7 hours 36 minutes ago
Hello @CourtneyShuert If I am not mistaken, Wildlife Computers was developing or has developed a remote release package for such an application as has a much smaller company...
Biologging, Marine Conservation 8 hours 40 minutes ago
Hi Robin this is a great idea! Have been thinking about approaching the community for quiz questions. Will reach out to Xavier to ask if we can use it or if he wishes to run it on...
Camera Traps, Data management and processing tools, Software and Mobile Apps 11 hours 13 minutes ago
Abigail. I would love to know more and potentially support the initiative. Please send me more info on [email protected]
Citizen Science, Acoustics, Conservation Tech Training and Education, Human-Wildlife Conflict 13 hours 10 minutes ago
In my experience, the preference for trapping animals using different types of snares varies depending on factors such as traditional customs, geographical location, availability...
  • +8
AI for Conservation, Drones, Emerging Tech, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Wildlife Crime 13 hours 35 minutes ago
Gotcha, well I look forward to seeing future iterations and following along with your progress!! 
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects, AI for Conservation, Emerging Tech, Open Source Solutions 14 hours 32 minutes ago
I'll find you some. Just organising all of our stock of these.
  • +9
Biologging 15 hours ago
Hi @Frank_van_der_Most,great point and I will address this in my little talk next week.Greetings from Austria,Robin
  • +11
Community Base 19 hours 20 minutes ago
I got assistance. super grateful!
Climate Change, Community Base, East Africa Community, Conservation Tech Training and Education 1 day 3 hours ago
More cool things surrounding the Mothbox project keep happening! Here’s a recap of cool developments over the past month!New Teammate! Bri...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 1 day 22 hours ago
Got it. We should definitely be able to handle those images. That said, if you're just looking for counts, then I'd recommend running Megadetector which is an object detection...
AI for Conservation, Camera Traps, Open Source Solutions, Software and Mobile Apps 1 day 21 hours ago