discussion / Sensors  / 5 November 2021

(trial) Habitat use within enclosure


Dear Wildlabs community, 

Not a 100 'wild' issue but this is a 'wild' collaboration we have. I'm collaborating on a project where the goal is to study the habitat preference of free-range chickens. The goal is to improve animal welfare and better understand their behaviour to make sure their needs are covered. We want to run a few tests with a 'small' population (~150 individuals) to try different systems and select our tools. We've been looking at GPS trackers, radio, wifi, among others. Our problem is that we need to make sure the system is very accurate in a small area (3 ha), including indoors, and is able to track 150 individuals simultaneously. 

So far, it's been very hard to find sensors reporting their accuracy, how multiple signals could affect it, and any issues with covered areas. We are still trying to get these details from different providers but no luck yet. This is why your expertise on the topic would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for any advice you may have.
