discussion / eDNA & Genomics  / 21 October 2021

Tech Tutors: How do I use eDNA in large-scale monitoring of terrestrial mammals?

Hello Wildlabbers! 

This week's Tech Tutor Arnaud Lyet will lead us through how to use eDNA for accurate large-scale wildlife monitoring. Whilst indicators of wildlife presence are comparatively easy to obtain, Arnaud focuses on the complexities of finding out how many species are present in an ecosystem and how populations are changing over time. With the use of concrete examples. Arnaud will teach us a variety of techniques to use acoustics and biologging to monitor the real size of animal populations in the wild, with the logic that credibe data allows for better conservation responses.

If you can't make it to the live episode, we'll be sharing the recording afterward in this thread, on WILDLABS, and on our Youtube channel. And if you have questions for Arnaud, us, or other particpants after the episode, write here in this thread!

If you haven't registered yet, you can find all the details here. Hope we'll see you there for another great episode!

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you at today's Tech Tutors! 
