discussion / Human-Wildlife Conflict  / 31 January 2022

International Platform to exchange knowledge and experiences about solutions/initiatives on Human-Wildlife conflict issues

Hi all, 

For all of you involved in human-wildlife conflict and coexistence issues, I invite you to discover and become member of this multi-stakeholders international platform (https://encosh.org/en/) to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas about this urgent issue! Already 356 members from 42 countries. 

I remain available whether you would need further information or guidance!

All the best 

Tommy Gaillard

ENCOSH Founder & coordinator. 

Why this collaboration platform? What entails to become ENCOSH member? 

Tackling human-wildlife coexistence issues requires an holistic approach with various initiatives/measures/strategies. Many of these have been tested in various places over the world by various stakeholders. But there is a lack of sharing these initiatives across the world. Besides, many could be adapted in various context and for different animal species. It is like a big puzzle with all pieces out there but spread out. 

This is why this collaborative platform was created to gather all extant initiatives/measures/strategies and multi-stakeholders involved in these "solutions" to share their knowledge and experiences so that everyone can learn from each other and better tackling such issues locally. 

Any user who registers on the platform becomes members, the only engagement is to accept the privacy policy and terms & conditions. Members can have access to all the platform features. They can also share their own initiatives/measures (not a whole project) if they want to contribute. This will create technical sheets that our team will first review before sharing on the platform and will be then available to all and downloadable in many languages for use in different countries and on the field.