discussion / Marine Conservation  / 8 August 2017

International Marine Protected Areas Congress 2017

The SMART Partnership will be attending the International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4) hosted in La Serena, Chile, from the 4th -8th September 2017. During the meeting we are keen to meet with other sites using SMART in Marine Protected Areas and other marine management areas. If you have any thoughts or comments on the following points, please let Drew know at [email protected].

  • What is working well or is challenging in your marine site with SMART.
  • How SMART could work better for you in the marine environment?
  • What additional data would be useful to collect with SMART?

If you or your partners will be joining the congress please let us know. We will be hosting a Knowledge Café (description) and also a Symposium (description) on SMART- a few spaces are left to present in the Symposium so get in touch if you are interested in presenting!


*** Please also get in touch if you are attending IMPAC4 more generally with me, your Marine Community Manager ***
