discussion / Camera Traps  / 17 November 2019

Advice Needed: Daytime IR Flash?

Hi all, 

I'm a PhD student at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences using various wildlife monitoring technologies to monitor large terrestrial vertebrates across the Brazilian Amazon. In the past years, I've been doing a lot of camera trapping in rainforests, and there is recurring issue I've been having for a while: daytime IR images. 

As the rainforest understory tends to be low-light environment, all camera trap models I've used (Reconyx Hyperfire HC500 and Browning Dark Ops Pro) often switch automatically to the IR flash mode, even during the daytime. Since color is an important attribute for the differentiation of otherwise similar species, I find this problematic. Is anyone else having the same problem, and if so, have you found a way around it?

I was wondering whether it would be possible to change the light threshold at which the camera decides to switch to infrared. Browning addresses this issue on their webpage (https://browningtrailcameras.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009748473-Daytime-IR-Black-White-Images), but does not provide any solutions. 

All insights are welcome :). 
