discussion / Wildlife Crime  / 14 July 2016

How do you use remote sensing tech to combat wildlife and forest crime?

Dear Collegues,

I ask you kindly to take a couple of minutes to fill in a relevant research survey concerning the use of remote sensing technology for tracking wildlife.


I am currently a visiting research scholar at the UNODC and this research is being conducted independently for Uppsala Univeristy (Sweden) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna). I appreciate your time and contribution.

Many thanks,


Hi Isla, 

To clarify for anyone interested in taking the survey - you're not just looking at remote sensing for wildlife research. The survey is analysing strategies that use remote sensing technology to combat wildlife and forest crime in Eastern and Southern Africa. 

The survey is looking at everything from GPS, Drones, a variety of aerial and ground sensors, and GIS systems and geospatial analytical software that can detect illicit wildlife and forest activities. 

What are you looking to do with the information collected in the survey, Isla? If community members contribute, would you feed the information back into the community here, as other have done (e.g. Ollie with his camera trapping survey)?




Thanks, Isla.

I just completed the survey, and would greatly appreciate it if you could share (anonymous) results with this community -- particularly for Questions 3-7.

Could you also relay a bit more information on why the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is conducting this survey?