discussion / Citizen Science  / 4 July 2016

Digital technology companies in Europe for large scale citizen science project


anyone could recommend any digital tech companies in Europe, if possible already involved in conservation, that could handle a large scale citizen science project (like http://conserve.io/, but in Europe)? In addition to standard web dev (social network, web-services, graphical design, mobile clients...), tasks would include data streaming(mainly audio), data visualisation, collaborative (online) data annotation and communication to some dedicated connected devices.

Thank you


Hi Julien,

CEH is not a digital tech company, but we are running or collaborating on several national and international CitSci projects, including development of web and mobile apps, graphical design, data visualisations and other. Always looking for new opportunities.

Also, check out Natural Aptitude - a good tech company based in Bristol, UK, that we have worked with before.

Hope this helps,