discussion / AI for Conservation  / 10 December 2015


Welcome to the Machine and Deep Learning group!

Here, we'll be discussing current and future uses of Deep Learning (DL) and more broadly Machine Learning (ML) for improving wildlife conservation.

This thread is for you to introduce yourself, what you're doing and what you're interested in.  

To start things off...

I'm David J Klein. My background is in deep learning, machine learning, neuroscience, neuromorphic computing, and signal processing. I've been doing the startup thing Silicon Valley for the last 11 years after being in academia for a while. I've worked on products ranging from speech recognition systems, to cloud-based deep learning platforms. These days, some use the blanket term "AI". 

For the last several years I've been developing software for Conservation Metrics which gives their analysists the ability to use deep learning to process large volumes of audio and image data from remote sensors in order to monitor population density changes of endangered species, detect collisions of birds and bats with infrastructure,  and find rare and elusive species. 

More broadly, I'm interested in integrating many disparate sensing domains from eDNA, to land-based sensors, to GIS data in order to provide tools to conservation scientists and ecologists that will enable them to develop a higher resolution understanding of the health of ecosysems around the globe and their response to positive or negative human interventions.

I'm looking forward to interacting with you all. Please let me know what other questions you have for me, and other ways I can help.




I am jason Holmberg from WildMe.org. I am one of the developers of Wildbook (wildbook.org), an open source data management platform for wildlife research. I'm using ML as part of the IBEIS.org project to boost and metascore multiple computer vision algorithms for individual humpback and sperm whales. David, I would love to speak offline if you have the time: [email protected].


