discussion /  / 3 December 2015

Upcoming Events


We've already heard from a couple of group managers who are going along to events and are keen to organise WILDLABS.NET meetups while they're there. Do you guys know of any events we should be coming along to? 

And the World Conservation Congress in Honolulu in September. I don't know yet if I'm actually going to go, but I'm sure that the UFW will be well represented, but I'm guessing you already know about that.  Will there be a Wildlabs or UFW event?


The American Association of Zookeepers is holding their annual conference September 19th-23rd, 2016 in Memphis, TN, USA. I will be attending to present my acoustic monitoring research conducted with tigers within their facilities.

Considering my project owes a lot of its success to the help of these zookeepers, I think it would be a great idea to have a WildLabs booth available. There is a lot of interest in the zoological community on how technology can protect and save the animals they care for. It could possibly even open up doors for WildLab members to test out their technologies using zoo animals before expanding into the field.

As I will already be there, I would be happy to help set something up for us if everyone was on board. 

There is a broader conference around IT for Development happening in May in Nairobi.  One of the tracks is around ICT for Conservation and Environment, and I think that track is being hosted by ESRI:


Given that I live in Nairobi, I will be attending and hoping to speak.  Do we know if anyone else from the Wild Labs community will be in attendance or participating?  

These things typically have so much focus on health and education and agriculture, all massively important and important to conservation as well, but would be great to strengthenthen the presence of wildlife conservation in the conversation.