Event /  18 Nov 2023

AmazoniaHack: Open Innovation for the Amazon Rainforest

A bilingual hackathon focused on combating deforestation

Online Event
18 Nov 2023 - this event is in the past.

If you have an interest in Amazon conservation, please join us next weekend for AmazoniaHack, an open innovation hackathon for the Amazon Rainforest! This year's event will focus on geospatial and communications challenges, and will be hosted in English and Portuguese. You can find more information below. Hope to see you there, and please spread the word!


This two-day hackathon will be hosted virtually on November 18-19, (10:00-17:00 BRT) in English and Portuguese and focus on challenges to combat deforestation in the Amazon rainforest co-designed by local organizations such as IBAMA, Imazon/MapBiomas, ICV, Kaniné and Meninas de Geo.
The event is free to attend and open to participants from around the world! 

Apply at www.AmazoniaHack.co until November 15!

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