discussion / Wildlife Crime  / 19 May 2017

New Demand Reduction Community of Practice Newsletter

The Wildlife Consumer Behaviour Change Community of Practice has a new newsletter that is packed with the latest behaviour change initiatives, resources and publications. Much like the WILDLABS digest, every month they will share community updates along with news about campaigns and tools that are shaping the demand reduction field and beyond.  

If you're interested in demand reduction and behaviour change, this might be worth checking out and subscribing to. 


In this first issue, two updates caught my attention: 

Community of Practice Update 

Building on the Changing Behaviours workshop in Hong Kong, an expert in behavioural change evaluation has been engaged to develop the first draft of the "Good Practice Guidelines" for measuring demand reduction initiatives. A draft of the Guidelines will be shared on the Toolkit here in June for feedback. 

New content recently added to the Toolkit discussion forums includes tips for behaviour change communications, a case study on changing drink driving behaviours, and a starter guide on social behaviour change communications.


Changing Demands Webinar Series

On 23 May, 8PM TH time, staff from FHI360, will share information about the Communications for Change (C-Change) Social Behaviour Communications Change Toolkit. Click here for the link to this exciting Webinar.

In June, USAID Wildlife Asia will present their draft Social Behaviour Change Communications Situation Analysis for community interest and feedback.

More information on upcoming webinars from the Changing Demands Webinar Series is available here.