discussion / Software and Mobile Apps  / 28 November 2020

The Big Wild Is Looking to grow with a partner

The Big Wild is a growing start-up looking for a partner who is a full-stack engineer or similar.

We are looking to grow from a Public benefit corp to having a 501c3 arm and we need a great team to help us set up the right way from the start. 

If you are passionate about WIldlife conservation and are looking to help shape a company for large scale impact, then we are interested in speaking with you, This position will be part-time and unpaid at first. but we plan to change that within the first quarter. 

About The Big Wild:

Saving critically endangered wildlife from extinction is at the heart of our mission.

We aim to focus on collaboration for greater impact, partnering directly with orgs that are working on ID'ing wildlife either by creating new technology or orgs that are in need of greater data sets, Travel companies looking for extraordinary expedition packages that fight wildlife extinction, and conservation orgs looking to utilize that data for conservation purpose on a grand scale.

When you join a Big Wild expedition, you are choosing to travel not only with purpose but with innovation. During our expeditions, we work with top researchers using cutting edge AI on your wildlife photographs and camera trap images for both species recognition, predator recognition, prey recognition and individual animal recognition.  We then give that data (who, what, where the animal is) to collaborating conservation organizations. This is what we call extreme wildlife conservation networking to protect the wildlife and wild places we all care about.

The challenges are greater than ever, but with innovation, collaboration and community education The Big Wild aims to give the experience of a lifetime, while having the highest measurable impact in wildlife conservation.

Please reach out, send your interests and resume to :

[email protected]
