
Conservation Tech Training and Education / Feed

There are educators everywhere working to teach and train the next generation of sustainability minded students. Whether in formal settings (K-12, undergraduate, graduate) settings or informally as science communication now it is more important than ever to work towards advancing Conservation Tech education. By working on interdisciplinary teams we can help develop teaching and training tools to help expand the field of Conservation Technology creation.


Interested in being part of the Enduata Emaa CBO's Green Planet Ambassadors Project in Amboseli? 

About the Enduata Emaa Community Based OrganizationEnduata Emaa Community-based Organization was founded in 2021 by its Chairman Samuel...

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@richardturere Hello :) and a warm welcome to WILDLABS! Here is the link to @Lekato Samuel Lekato - Founder and Chairman, Enduata Emaa CBO. Sam is interested in conservation technology focused on how to keep wild animals away from community homesteads in Amboseli and I reckon your Lion Lights could help. I'll let you two take on the conversation from here. Thanks! 

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Case study: Juicy Marbles. 3 business hacks to learn for your nature NGO or business from the rising plant meat star.

Before we start.

1. I don't get paid for this. I think they just got plenty of best practices for us we can use to combat the biodiversity crisis.

2. What has plant meat to do with biodiversity? Actually, a lot. Livestock production is the single most significant driver of habitat loss.

But here the hacks.

Sign up here to get 3 more hacks: 👉


Looking for partner_Project in Madagascar

Hi, I run a small NGO in Madagascar and would like to set up a continuous training about technology in Conservation for girls and young conservationist. I am looking for...

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Salama Ny Aina! And misoatra betsaka to Andrew for mentioning me! I do passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) in Madagascar, focused on lemurs now but hoping to bring in collaborators for other taxa as well as whole-soundscape analyses. I mostly work in the southeastern rainforest corridor but have collaborators working in the south and in the Masoala peninsula. 

I actually developed a bunch of PAM training materials (in Malagasy, French & English) that can all be found on my website: Feel free to use any of it! There is a video recording from a PAM training workshop I did at Centre ValBio as well as the slides from the presentation, a list of papers representing different case studies, lots of resources, etc.  

I would love to chat further if you'd like too! Feel free to reach out: [email protected]. Veloma for now :)  

Thank you all for your response. 

The idea is one training per year (2-3 days). Topic will vary depending likely. My first idea is something such GIS for conservation or remote sensing for example. 

The PAM looks great. I will send you an email. 




Hi Ny Aina, @StephODonnell and I run a Women in Conservation Technology training program for women in East Africa (to date, we've worked with Kenyan and Tanzanian students). I'd be happy to talk through our process if you're interested! 

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You are protecting & restoring nature, but no one cares. 4 hacks to change it.

You are protecting & restoring nature, but no one cares. 4 hacks to change it.

No matter if you do biodiversity monitoring, coral gardening, mangrove plantation, animal GPS tracking, rewilding, etc. you want people to care about this issue as much as you do.

But by now, you realize you don’t get the attention or the financial support you hoped for.

⤵️ You can still sign up below


How to get more done in the little time you have. Delegate. 5 hacks how to do it. 

To keep creating this positive impact, you must learn to delegate tasks to others. Otherwise, you will crack or burn out. Here are 5 hacks for how to do it. 

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Great post, Oliver!From my years of experience leading very large teams with ~$2B global revenue: when you are working with highly talented, creative, individuals, delegate the...
100% @Drue_Freeman couldn't agree more. In the end it is about execution and the entire team working towards the same goal. Doesn't matter exactly if step by steps were followed....
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ISO Speakers for Emerging Technologies class.

Hi Everyone, Apologies for posting across multiple groups.  I'm teaching a new course @ Clark University next semester on emerging technologies for conservation. The course...

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Definitely interested! I'm in the ecoacoustics/acoustic monitoring space, working at Rainforest Connection and Arbimon.

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Looking to contribute

Hi everybody 👋🏽,I'm a UX designer, and I design interfaces and improve user experiences/flows. I would love to contribute to conservation tech / climate tech, especially saving...

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