Funding Opportunity /  3 August 2023

KCDF's Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge Fund (YEIC)

Apply as an individual or a group for Kenya Community Development Foundation's Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge Fund inspiring Kenyan youth to advance environmental conservation through innovative ideas.

Deadline: 3 August 2023 - the deadline has passed.
Kenya - Kenya

About KCDF

Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) is a public philanthropic foundation that supports sustainable community driven development. Formed in 1997, KCDF is the first and oldest indigenous foundation of its kind in East Africa. 

Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge (YEIC)

Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge (YEIC) is an environmental innovation fund established by KCDF through the generous gift of Mackenzie Scott with the aim of developing action-oriented young people with strong values and commitment to the conservation of the environment. The Challenge fund is inviting submissions of innovative ideas and solutions that will inculcate the spirit of environmental conservation and sustainable management of resources among children and youth in their various communities helping nature and building the targeted children and youth to be future champions of the environment.

The challenge will provide funding to young people, community groups, and organizations to propose an environmental conservation intervention that provides livelihoods for the community and enhances access to education while ensuring community engagement. The ideas and solutions will support communities to become more resilient and adapt to climate change ensuring equality in access to a healthy environment, especially the vulnerable communities.

Important Dates

  1. Launch of the Challenge: 6th July 2023
  2. Deadline for Submission of Proposal: 3rd August 2023
  3. Screening & Review: By 31st August 2023
  4. Notification of Awards & Agreements Signing: By 15th September 2023
  5. Disbursement of Grant: By end of September 2023

Project Duration: The proposed project must be completed within 12 to 24 months after signing the grant agreement for support with KCDF.

Total Grant Sizes:

The finalists of this challenge will be awarded in two categories:

  • The first category will see three young environment champions awarded a grant of between Ksh. 800,000 to Ksh. 1,500,000
  • The second category will have six organizations awarded a grant of between 3,000,000 to Ksh. 5,000,000 each implementing their unique environment conservation-based ideas.


The goal of the Challenge is to increase the participation of the young (in and out of school) to protect, restore and promote climate change adaptation measures and sustainable management of natural resources.


  1. To inculcate the spirit and practice of environmental awareness and conservation among children and the young in learning institutions and out of school (the community).
  2. To promote environmental conservation practices and sustainable use of natural resources for communities led by young people.
  3. To strengthen the capacity of organizations serving young people and those led by young people to implement environmental innovations that promote sustainable livelihoods and enhance education access.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Improved livelihoods through enhanced adoption of sustainable environmental conservation practices among targeted communities in Kenya.
  2. Increased adoption of environmental practices that enhance access to education and inculcate a culture of environmental conservation among young people.
  3. Increased awareness and leadership among marginalized communities in promoting sustainability in environmental conservation.
  4. Increased capacity of targeted communities to address livelihoods shocks and adapt to environmental challenges resulting from climate change.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Ability to demonstrate the environmental conservation project(s) they have started or have been involved in and how those initiatives have impacted people in their community, in ways that have improved education access, enhanced livelihoods, and the fund’s goal of increasing resilience and adapting to climate change.
  2. The innovation should be original and creative.
  3. The applicants must demonstrate realistic plans for the sustainability of the innovation.
  4. Financial and operational capacity: The applying entities must demonstrate individual or collaboration ability to implement.

How to Apply

All applications are to be submitted through the application links below. You will be required to submit the technical application and high-level budget. You can also attach relevant documents including videos and pictures.

To apply, click on the below links: