discussion /  / 18 September 2017

Revitalizing groups through non-WILDLABS outreach

Hi all,


I hope everyone had a nice weekend. One thing that I think could be good in seeding discussions in our WILDLABS groups is to reach out about the postings to non-WILDLABS members through different mediums, such as Twitter. Most of the people here already use Twitter, but by tweeting it out, we can encourage broader participation from our followers and also encourage more people to participate and collaborate through WILDABS,  perhaps even getting ideas from other who aren't necessarily conservation technologists. In addition, by using specific hashtags, that can broaden the reach. Here's an example to seed a discussion in the Data Science group about an upcoming student venture competition at Baylor University

#DataScience can foster #entreprenuership, like in this #VC competition http://bit.ly/18wLh4E. Check out the #DataScience group for more.  -  So here's we've got the relevant #datascience hashtag, and then other tags by #VC and #entrepreneurship. Tags not typical with the Data Science group, but could create more discussion. It also references the Data Science group the post is in so that 

Here's an example for tracking tags.

Use #Blockchain? Hank is developing tracking tags for #Flamingos and wants more #connectivity for them http://bit.ly/18wLh4E via @WILDLABSNET -

So we have the #Blockchain hashtag. Blockchain is becoming a big part of new tech tools and companies, so there is a lot of interest in it, and many people/bots who look at the Blockchain hashtag. This on its own would spark more retweets and engagements, and encourage people to migrate over to the group posting. #Connectivity is different and relevant, in that connecting people, devices, companies, etc. is used across many fields, and could gain better insight that way. 


I think Twitter is the best medium for connecting with people to grow the groups, so if group managers could tweet out threads they post, or posts from the community with engaging hashtags, I think it can have a much broader impact. What do you think?