discussion / Drones  / 3 June 2019

[ARCHIVE] Promises and Pitfalls of Conservation Drones webinar (June 6)

Just flagging this upcoming webinar with Dr Lian pin Koh, author of the Conservation Drones book. Register here.

This is part of the Conservation Biology Institute and Society for Conservation GIS webinar series, more info on this thread.

Promises and Pitfalls of Conservation Drones (June 6, 2019)

June 6, 2019   11:00am PDT

Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/299741561024588035

Presenter: Dr. Lian Pin Koh

Description: Low-cost drones are gaining popularity among ecologists as a tool for conservation research and practice. In this presentation, Lian Pin Koh will discuss a few examples of promising applications of conservation drones, as well as a few common challenges.

The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) presents this webinar in partnership with the Society for Conservation GIS. To learn more about CBI, please visit https://consbio.org/.