discussion / Acoustics  / 14 December 2023

Call for Interview Subjects: Conservation Bioacoustics Methods

As a part of my ongoing doctoral research in Geography at Royal Holloway University of London, I’m looking for a new round of interview subjects who are willing to share their experiences as researchers in conservation bioacoustics. My project pays special attention to the diverse ways in which sound is used to understand the complexities of changing natural environments, and profiles some of the exciting and important research that shows the importance of sound within living systems.

The interviews I’ve conduced generally last about an hour and are roughly split into two parts: 1.) a few standardized baseline questions regarding active (or past) research methods and findings, and 2.) a more personal/individual conversation about your relationship to your subject matter, sound, as well as points of further interest raised in the first half of the interview. Past interviews for example have encompassed everything from researchers telling me about how their musical training (or lack thereof!) affected the way they think about ecosystems, to their personal methods for remembering bird songs, ethics of global acoustic surveillance, and failed experiments resulting in successful new deployment methods.

I am interested in all relevant positions within conservation bioacoustics research, including (but not limited to): experimental design and field deployment, sensor/hardware development, and data processing/visualization. If this piques your interest and/or you would like to speak briefly before committing a “yes” to an interview, please feel free to send me a message through Wildlabs, or at my institutional email: [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from anyone interested and hope to speak soon,