Welcome to the EO101 Virtual Lecture Series!

Hi all and welcome to the EO101 virtual lecture series! 

I am the course instructor and I look forward to showcasing you basics, applications and practicalities of Earth observation. We will start on Monday with an overview of the theory behind remote sensing and then move towards different application areas in the next few weeks. 

We are looking forward to building this hub and knowing more about you, so feel free to introduce yourself in the comments below. 

See you on Monday!


Jake Burton
Fauna & Flora
I'm the Platform and Community Support Project Officer at WILDLABS! Speak to me if you have any inquiries about using the WILDLABS Platform or AI for Conservation: Office Hours.
Involvement level 2
Inventory Beta Tester
WILDLABS Event Speaker
Variety Hour Regular

Hi All! Jake from WILDLABS here. I'm based in the UK and have a background in Zoology, Evolutionary & Behavioural Ecology and Sensory Ecology.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about you all and watching the first part of the course together live on our YouTube channel - Monday 10 October at 3:00pm BST


I'm a primatology PhD candidate at the City University of New York (CUNY)'s Graduate Center. I study black-and-white ruffed lemurs, using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) to survey their fragmented & endangered populations in the southeastern Malagasy rainforest corridor. I use ML models to detect lemur calls in the PAM data and use that to run occupancy models, range maps, species distribution models, etc. 

I don't have that much experience with Earth observation/remote sensing, so I am coming at this as a beginner but am excited to have the opportunity to learn now!  

Hi all


I am a sound designer, field recordist and electroacoustic composer, and I currently find myself in an job working events for Google; this has allowed me to learn a load about ML, CNNs etc. This has reignited my interest in PAM and ecoacoustics in general; I graduated with an MSc in Sound Design from Edinburgh Napier in 2018 and am looking to pursue research-based career options in teh scientific application of sound.

Also my mother worked in pest research through the 80s and 90s and was a GIS and remote sensing specialist so the subject is somewhat in my DNA. 

