Conservation challenges

Invasive species




R&D Projects




Product Reviews


Detection and management of invasive species by providing tools for rapid identification, monitoring, and control of invasive organisms that threaten native ecosystems.

camera trap icon Products

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    Wildlife Drones - Dragonfly

    Collect more radio-telemetry data, more often and with less effort. It’s the world’s most advanced tracking solution for locating tagged animals in real-time. Compatible with any VHF tags globally, our unique sensor technology is a valuable addition to any conservation project

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    EzyLure Dispenser is a set-and-forget device that automatically dispenses fresh lure. Designed to be long-life and compatible with a variety of lures/attractants.Developed for use with camera monitoring systems and other Critter Solutions technologies.

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    Arbimon is free, no-code ecoacoustic platform that provides an efficient way to upload, store, and analyze mass amounts of acoustic data. Arbimon empowers users with innovative AI-powered ecoacoustic analysis tools and data-driven insights to effectively monitor biodiversity.

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    CritterPic provides real-time monitoring of small cryptic species and pest species through instant image feeds and automatic species identification.

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    Polytrack is a tracking software designed for monitoring untagged insect pollinators in outdoor environments to observe their pollination behaviour. It is equipped to detect and track multiple insect species and flowers using an AI-based hybrid detection algorithm.



  • Critter Solutions

    Critter Solutions is a technology research and development company based in New Zealand focused on R&D and delivering innovative conservation technologies.

  • NASA

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration.

  • Zoological Society London (ZSL)

    ZSL is an international conservation charity working in over 50 countries and inspiring people to conserve biodiversity through its two zoos.

  • Earthwatch Institute

    Earthwatch Institute is an IRO (independent research organisation) and uses science to better understand the environmental challenges we face, and to find solutions to these issues.

  • Smart Parks

    Smart Parks offers products and solutions for wildlife Protection, Park Management, Community Conservation and Tourist Safety to help in tracking and monitoring of wildlife in conservation areas.