discussion / Climate Change  / 6 October 2023

How 3D Technologies are Reshaping Forest Ecology and Conservation

Stefano Puliti joined Variety Hour to share his work using 3D photogrammetric data from UAVs for pre- and post-harvest inventory of forest biophysical properties, and talk about the open data, ML-ready benchmark datasets he has been creating.

His talk generated a heap of questions, including; 

  • That was deeply fascinating. I've heard about LiDAR [still] being quite expensive to implement, how long does it take to map and area and make it available for analysis?
  • Do you think this could eventually be applied at a more local scale ? I.e. for individuals monitoring their forests?
    • Maybe with phone based Lidar?
      • Reply from Stefano: Unfortunately phone based lidar still has a very limited range (few m) but I wouldn't be surprise to see more exciting miniaturized lidars coming out in the future

If you have more questions, drop them below! 

Stefano also shared some links: